Thursday 6 December 2012

Fourth Day - 06/12/12 - WATER SPORTS

19.45 - Celeration event.

18.30 - Dinner Time.

17.15 - Presentation of the Youth In Action programme and Everything Is Possible opportunities supported by the British Council and the Youth In Action programme of the European Union.

16.15 - Way back to the Sport Centre.

14.00 - Second part of the Water Sport activities.

12.30 - Lunch Time.

10.30 - Beginning of the water sport activities.

9.45 - Particpants are taking the ferry to the Cumbria Island and its Water Sport Centre.

9.00 - Participants are leaving the sport centre to take the ferry.

Wednesday 5 December 2012


Third Day - 05/12/12 - DESIGN A SPORT respecting the values of the Commonwealth Games.

16.30 - Participants are now trying the game created during the session ''design a sport''

14.30 - Gymnastic

13.30 - ''Design a sport'' activity.

12.30 - Lunch Time.

11.00 - Trampoline activities

9.35 - Basketball session run by 2 of our articipants.

9.20 - Participants are now thinking about the Commonwealth games values

9.15 - Participants who are late have to do 25 press up.

9.05 - Many participants are late for the basketball session.

8.00 - Breakfast

LIVE VIDEO - Day 1 and 2

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Second Day - 04/12/12 - BUILDING TEAM ACTIVITIES

19.30 - Intercultural Evening. Presentation of each countries of the United Kingdom.

18.30 - Dinner Time

17.10 - Free time. Some of the participants went with a minibus to the supermarket while some stayed to play football or have a look at some pictures taken during the day.

14.00 - Beginning of the afternoon activities. Each participant will try these four activities:

- Archery:

- Climbing wall,

- Basket Ball,

- Badminton : even if some participants changed it on a foot-badminton :-)

12.30 - Lunch Time

11.00 - Team building activities
Giraffe building:

Human knot:

9.40 - Participants are now preparing a 3 minutes presentation of themselves:

9.35 - Beginning of the session.

08.00 - Breakfast

Monday 3 December 2012


It seems that we found our official photographer. Joseph Harrisson, from Bradford did some incredible pictures. Have a look...

by Joseph Harrisson

by Joseph Harrisson

 by Joseph Harrisson

You can visit is own page on facebook: 

21.00 - The Basketball field and the football pitch are now ready...

20.00 - ‘Get to know each other’ activity : Each participant has to find the owner of the paper that they picked up in a balloon.

19.30 - Welcoming meeting and presentation of the programme of the week.

18.30 - Dinner Time

17.40 - All the participants from England have just arrived.

16.55 - The group from Wales has just arrived at the Sport centre.

11.40 - The participants from Scotland have just landed in Glasgow.