Everything is Possible (based in Leeds) is organising a new 4.3 training around Sport, Inclusion and Commonwealth. This training which will take place from the 3rd to the 7th of December 2012 in Scotland (near Glasgow) will be the occasion for participants to learn and understand how sports programmes can bring about conflict resolution, promote inclusion and encourage cross-community working.

Here are some more info about the Training:

Title : A Common Wealth (Promoting Intercultural Dialogue Through Sport)
Dates of the Workshop : 3rd - 7th Decembre 2012

Venue of the Workshop : Sport Scotland national centre in Largs (near Glasgow).

Application deadline: 26th October 2012, 1pm.

Cost: Participant will only have to pay 30% of the travel costs.

Topic of the Workshop : Inclusion and Sport.

Language of the Workshop : English.

Target group(s) : groups of 6 people (18+, mixed group of males and females) from United Kingdom only (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) including:
- one tutor,
- 5 other participants.

The seminar will focus on unemployed young people, those at risk of social exclusion, targeting groups from offending backgrounds and their linked professionals, (police, social or probation workers), we will aim to include a group from all four UK jurisdictions, supporting the concept of intercultural dialogue, initially on a national level, with groups from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland discovering their differences and celebrating their similarities, before exploring together how sport can create a platform for tolerance and intercultural dialogue.

Expected number of participants : 24 participants from England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

Main activities / programme of the Workshop:  
The aim of A common Wealth is to bring young people and youth workers together to demonstrate how sports programmes can bring about conflict resolution, promote inclusion and encourage cross-community working. We will use the Commonwealth values of Humanity, Equality and Destiny as a theme for the programme, capitalising on the multitude of sports skills, knowledge, ideas and initiative that participants bring to the training, and exploiting these to create a shared wealth (or common wealth). We will promote healthy lifestyles, through outdoor activities and grassroots sport, to foster social inclusion and the active participation of young people.

Timetable (please note that it may change before the training)

Expected outputs :
This training will offer participants a non-formal learning programme, focussing on the theme of sport, tolerance, inclusion and conflict resolution. The objectives will be to improve participants’ competences, knowledge, skills and attitudes in this thematic field.

The specific outcomes of this activity will be:
• To raise awareness of sport as a tool for conflict resolution.
• To learn different methods and be equipped with different tools to be able to deliver sports programmes which contribute to inclusion.
• To have a wider knowledge of the UK jurisdictions, and begin to learn about another country through a virtual relationship starting at this training.
• To gain a knowledge of the other participating organisations and be in a position to plan future collaborative working.

Other priorities and objectives:
• Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities
• To stimulate unemployed young people's mobility and active participation in society. A strong priority will be placed throughout the Actions of the Programme on ensuring access for unemployed young people to all the opportunities that it offers.
• ProjTo promote healthy behaviours, in particular through the promotion of the practice of sport and outdoor activities, as a means to promote healthy lifestyles as well as to foster social inclusion and the active participation of young people in society.

Practical arrangements :
Regarding the travel we will ask participants to book their travel, after our agreement with the travek chosen. We will then reimburse the 70% at reception of all orginal tickets.
Everything is Possible will arrange all aspects or your stay in Scotland. Participants will be accommodated together in pairs in single sex rooms in a hotel or training centre in close proximity to where activities will take place. Accommodation and training rooms will be wheelchair accessible. Meals will be taken together in the Sport Center.

WATCH THE VIDEO OF A SIMILAR PROJECT : OUR LAST 4.3 TRAINING COURSE ''Intercultural Dialogue Through sport'':


Project supported by The British Council and the Youth in Action programme of the European Commission. 


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